Guide to Vacation Rental Listing Optimization

Guide to Vacation Rental Listing Optimization

Austin is a city in Texas that has become more and more popular for tourists over the last decade. Now, the city averages 30 million tourists annually.

Because of this growth in popularity, some real estate investors may consider buying a vacation rental. However, they may not know how to maximize bookings from their vacation property.

That is where good vacation rental listing optimization comes in.

How can you get more bookings with optimization? This guide breaks it down.

Use Local Keywords

The first thing you should do is try to mention your local area as often as possible. Because your vacation rental is in a certain location, you have to assume that people who end up booking your rental were already interested in going to this area.

In this case, your local area is Austin. You have to find ways to get creative with this keyword. Considering that 46% of all Google searches are for local information, you are off to a good start if you focus on this.

Some ideas include but are not limited to "vacation homes in Austin", "stay in Austin, TX", "lodging in Austin, Texas", and more. The point is that people looking for lodging must already be looking in your area. You need to take advantage of this and make sure that your rental comes up in these search results.

Mention These Keywords

Once you determine what keywords you want to use to increase views, you have to incorporate them into your content. For vacation listings, this is likely going to be in your captions or descriptions.

If you are an individual real estate investor, you may have no online presence in the beginning. However, you can use several platforms to try to get the word out about your property.

Make sure that your keywords are somewhere in your caption or listing. An example can be putting "vacation home in Austin" as part of the title for your property.

Use Multiple Platforms

Finally, use as many platforms as possible to promote your listing. Every platform you add to your marketing campaign increases the chances of someone new viewing your listing.

There are vacation rental platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO that can be a good start for you. Then, you can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to try to get the word out about your property.

Increase Your Vacation Rental Listing Optimization

These are some key factors you need to consider if you are trying to increase your vacation rental listing optimization.

You need to have local keywords somewhere in your listing because that is where a large percentage of Google searches go. Then, you need to mention these keywords somewhere in your listing and use as many platforms as possible to promote your vacation house listing.

Do you need help doing all of this? Message us here to see what we can do for you.
